
Dear Students,

On April 9, 2024, the Széchenyi Job Fair will open its doors in the University Hall! Our exhibitors are waiting from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.! Look for our printed publication at the information desk or view it online:

If you can't come to the Job Fair in person, don't worry! Visit or between April 1 and April 19 and choose from the internship opportunities offered by our exhibitors.

Who can you meet at the job fair?

Stand Kiállító Stand Kiállító
i INFORMÁCIÓ R8 Információs Hivatal
S5 adesso orange Kft. R1 Lear Corporation Hungary Kft.
R15 Adient Mezőlak Kft. S17 Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
R11 ÁllásStart Magyarország Kft. R16 Magyar Suzuki Zrt
R10 Apex Tool Group Hungária Kft. S8 MÁV-VOLÁN-csoport
S27 Attrecto Zrt. R9 MBH Bank
S7 AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. R7 Nestlé Hungária Kft.
R4 Autoliv Kft. R12 Nolato Magyarország Kft.
S15 Becton Dickinson Hungary Kft. S23 Rába Járműipari Holding Nyrt.
S1 BOS Magyarország S28 Rheinmetall Hungary Kft.
R14 Colas Hungária Zrt. R5 Robert Bosch
S6 Continental Automotive Hungary Kft. R17 Schaeffler Savaria Kft.
R3 Continental Autonomous Mobility Hungary S25 Sertec Auto Structures Hungary Kft.
S16 Dallos Csilla - Karriermentoring R6 SK On Hungary Kft.
S12 Dana Hungary Kft. S18 Motherson
S21 Donation - OVB Kft. S2 Strabag
R18 Eaton Manufacturing Hungary Kft. S24 Tata Consultancy Services Hungary
R13 EDAG Hungary Kft. S19 Techtra Zrt.
S13 Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium S9 thyssenkrupp Components Technology Hungary Kft.
S3 Euro-Finanz-Service Zrt. R2 Valeo Auto-Electric Magyarország Kft.
R19 Federal Mogul Hungary Kft. S22 VG Komarom Kft.
R19 Federal-Mogul Systems Protection Hungary Kft. S14 VT Tipa Kft.
R21 Fürge Diák Iskolaszövetkezet S4 WHB GROUP
S20 Gebrüder Weiss Szállítmányozási és Logisztikai Kft. R20 Yanfeng International Automotive Technology Hungary Kft
S11 Güntner-Tata Hűtőtechnika Kft. S26 ZalaZONE Ipari Park Zrt.

How to behave at a Job Fair? What questions should you consider before appearing on a job advertisement? How to put together your CV and application materials? How should you prepare for a job interview? How do you introduce yourself? What makes you look professional?
You can get answers to your questions at the Széchenyi Job Fair from the students of the János Apáczai Csere Faculty of Pedagogy, Humanities and Social Sciences majoring in human resource consulting!

We look forward to seeing you!
Széchenyi Job Fair - The beginning of your career!
